F.L.O.W. Model Master Program
The F.L.O.W. Model Master Program is for Brainspotting therapists across the world who are interested in working with athletes, musicians, writers, visual and performing artists.
It consists of two separate programs. It has been developed by Ruth Chiles and Dr Alessia Bruno, Brainspotting Consultants of the Brainspotting UK team. They both specialise in working with performers. With this program, you can discover their unique visions of working, using Brainspotting, with this collective. Dr Alessia Bruno ‘ program consist of 7 day workshop including a F.L.O.W. follow up reconnection day. Ruth Chiles‘ program consists of 4 workshops.
You will learn down to great detail how the underlying causes of performance issues lie in ancestral and developmental history and how to enable your clients and yourself to resolve performance blocks as well as to enhance and expand performance.
It teaches you the in-depth skills, knowledge and creative tools necessary to work effectively, with Brainspotting, with performers. It will give you solid confidence to work with adults and young people, parts and characters, within this field. You will have a transformative experience both personally and professionally.

Dr Alessia Bruno
Alessia, Brainspotting and EMDR consultant, Clinical- Sport Psychologist; international
expert in trauma and performance. She works with children and adults.

Ruth Chiles
Ruth is Brainspotting consultant, author, flautist and master athlete; with international renown for her performance work with musicians, authors and premier league athletes.